This afternoon, 17 year-old Mike Brown was gunned down by police. He was unarmed. According to reports, he was shot once, surrendered with his hands up, and was shot again. Head ... chest. Afterwards, his body would lay in the streets for four more hours before being removed, two of those hours uncovered. His grandmother had seen him minutes before walking down the street toward their home as she drove by. When she arrived at home, she heard a commotion outside. When she went to see what was going on, she saw her grandson laying dead, body riddled with bullets.
Jesus help us.
Being frank, we live in a day and age where it seems the police are just as much a danger to black people as other potential criminals. It certainly doesn't seem like we receive the same amount of protection as others ethnic groups. It happens over and over, that people who's faces look like mine are in the media after being gunned down unnecessarily by the police. And then people wonder why the relationship between blacks and the police is so contentious.
If you're not black and reading this, I ask you, do you get nervous in the presence of police? If so, why?
The reason blacks are uneasy in the presence of police is because we feel like our lives are in danger. Blacks are conditioned to fear for our lives around police due to previous experience, stories, media, and upbringing. We are taught during our upbringing how to protect ourselves not only from potential assailants, but from police. "If you're pulled over, keep your hands on the steering wheel. Don't move. Don't reach for anything. Stare straight ahead." Those are things I was taught by my mother. Where is the justice in that?
At this point, what do we do? How do you fight against the people who are supposed to protect you? Where do we even begin? Once again, another of our black sons has been gunned down in the streets by law enforcement.
Weird...doesn't seem like they're enforcing law. It seems like they're merely enforcing their will.
I know this is short, but ... I'm hurting y'all. And at a loss.
God Bless.