Saturday, February 8, 2014

15 Texts I Never Sent...

(I can't claim this one. It was from a post I saw on Tumblr)

It's been 15 months and I still miss you like a limb.

I didn't know my bones could ache until I met you.

You know, a week before we broke up, do you remember?
I bought a book a poetry and you asked why I didn't read something more interesting.
I could feel my inside splinter.

You said poetry was all lies dressed up to sound pretty.
When I look at you these days, I want to ask if sadness sounds pretty to you.

It's 3AM and this alcohol tastes like you.

I saw you staring at me in the store today. I smiled and you didn't smile back.
I almost cried.

The girl who sits next to me in class smells like you.

I miss you.

I've never had so many bad nights.

Sometimes I write poetry about you on the internet.
Strangers who have never met either of us think you're cruel...
...they tell me if they ever had the honor of loving me
they'd never give upon me and you're insane
for walking away.

They think it is beautiful how I am broken.
I don't think they understand.

You used to tell me I was beautiful.
I tried saying it in the mirror the other day,
but it sounded wrong without your mouth wrapped around it.

Everything I say sounds wrong without your mouth wrapped around it.

We didn't last forever, but oh God, we could have.
We could have...