Thursday, August 22, 2013

Have Some Manners!

So I've been contemplating writing on shopping etiquette for some time. I've finally decided to drop just a few pointers you guys should take heed to when shopping. Since I have worked extensively in retail, I have definitely encountered all of these.

1. Money on the Counter
Do not...I repeat, DO NOT place your money on the counter when you go to pay for your items. It comes across as pompous and disrespectful, like the cashier isn't worthy enough for you to hand them your money. It becomes especially disrespectful when you toss the money on the counter. Often times, I have mimicked the person and tossed their money back on the counter. Hopefully they get the message.

2. The Customer is Not Always Right
In fact, most times the customer is dead wrong. If the worker tells you that this promotion means this, or that signage excludes that item, LISTEN. We are definitely saying it for a reason! And retail managers, if your associate has already debated something with a customer, don't come behind them and undercut what the associate has said by doing exactly as the customer asks. This will make your workers hate you.

I think coming to the register on the phone is possibly the MOST disrespectful thing you can do as a shopper. When I go to the register to purchase, I will simply place people on hold, or tell them I'll call right back. Often times the associate is trying to ask you something regarding your purchase or make a suggestion, and the consumer often looks at the associate like THEYVE been disrespected. No. Your attention should be on the transaction.

4. Don't be Rude
Just because you work in an office and I work on a sales floor doesn't make you any better than I. We both work for wages, have bills to pay, and work hard. Just because you consider a job beneath you doesn't mean you should treat the worker of that job negatively.

5. "Just Looking"
When asked, this response is fine, if that's all you're doing. However, if you're digging through a pile of clothes, and an associate asks if they can help you, or if they can get you a size, don't lie. Often they are doing that so as to preserve the stack you're digging though so they won't have to refold the whole thing. If you are digging through a pile of clothes and give me the reply, "Just looking!" I'm likely to reply with, "Well the shirts on the bottom look just like the ones on top." *straight face*

These are just a few pointers for when you are out shopping to make your experience that much more pleasant!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Liking Principle

So today on Twitter, the topic came up of flirting, and the interaction between men and women when it comes to compliments.

 After running through several subtopics, I was talking about how one should go about complimenting the opposite sex. It dawned on me that a lot of what I was saying related to something I learned in grad school, which was Cialdini's Six Principles of Persuasion ... more specifically, the "Liking" principle.

In short, Cialdini's "Liking" principle states that we are more easily influenced by people that we like. There are several factors that affect liking, including physical attractiveness, similarity, compliments, contact and cooperation, and conditioning. When talking about flirting, the most important are physical attractiveness and compliments.

The way you put this into practice is finding something to like about the person you'd like to influence. Make sure whatever it is you "like" is tailored to that specific person, ie. meaningful and sincere. If you aren't sincere and meaningful with your "like," or compliment, it will come across as you simply wanting something from that person (even if that's true!).

When you compliment the opposite sex, don't use general compliments like "You're sexy/beautiful." Be specific! Compliment what makes you feel like that person is beautiful/sexy: "You have an amazing smile," or "Your hair looks really good today!" or even, "You have beautiful skin." You don't want to "like" something sexual too soon, so you want to avoid talking about butts, breasts, lips, and hips, unless your relationship dictates that level of comfort.

Fellas, one trick to flirting that works well is sincerely complimenting a woman, then walking away. So many women are used to every man that compliments them trying to "holla" at them. If you simply compliment them, then leave, it peaks their interest! Women are naturally curious, so they'll wonder just why you didn't want to ask for their number. Now I'm not saying every woman you compliment will approach you in return, but I will say your success rate will probably increase. This is a great example of the liking rule, in that you've "liked" something about her first, so she's more likely to be open to liking you.

If you don't act thirsty for a woman, you will probably come across a lot more attractive to said woman. Personally, this is why I say most of my flirting is not sincere. Usually if I'm interested in you, I won't flirt with you. It might even seem like I'm not interested in you in that manner, because I don't flirt as much. Or should I say it's a different kind of flirting.

Y'all be easy!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Power of Positive Thinking

While I was driving to work today, I did some serious thinking. For so long I've felt stuck in this rut and never felt like I'd make it out of it. I've decided to fundamentally change that.

People always talk about speaking positivity into your life. I have to start doing that. So from this point forward I'm going to make an ardent attempt to speak positivity over myself. I'm declaring certain things for myself in hopes that they will come to fruition.

First of all, I'm speaking a new job into my life. And I'm speaking this job up before my birthday: September 29. And it's going to be a well paying job in my career field, where I can not only gain valuable experience, but learn and grow. I want this, and it will be mine!

I know I will still have my down days ... my days where I don't feel like getting out of bed. But I'm going to fight this with positivity. There are better days ahead!

Monday, August 12, 2013

I Don't Like To Write.

Well...let me clarify.

I don't mind writing when I have something to write about. But when there's nothing? It's such a struggle.

Looking at a blinking cursor on a blank page can be so ... intimidating. 
Funny part is, I'd love to have a job where I am required to write a lot. I think....KNOW I'd succeed well at that.

I honestly only got a journalism degree because my advisor suggested it. I have no desire to go into journalism, unless it's editorial writing. However, my advisor told me since I wanted to go into Public Relations, I should major in journalism since it had a bigger focus on writing. This way, I'd be able to work in both fields if I wanted.

Well ... at this point I'm working in neither fields. And that's frustrating. 

Speaking of, I'm going to try and switch up my approach in applying to jobs. Hopefully something good will come of that. 

Anyway, getting back on subject. I honestly don't feel I'm a great writer. I know I can write, but am I some groundbreaking writer? Not at all. People tend to love my writing though, so I suppose I underestimate myself. 

I've been (attempting) to do this writing challenge I saw on another blog where I write every day for a month, and so far I'm failing miserably. It's really hard to come up with things to talk about every single day without having ideas fed to me. I shall do better though! 

Anyway, just a brief update. Y'all be easy.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Off We Go Into The Wild Blue Yonder....

I'm thinking about going into the Air Force. Well...I've been thinking it for a few years now. I have to lose about 20 pounds to go, so that's the stage I'm in. I've stopped drinking soda, and I'm trying to eat healthier.

It's great benefits....and I've always considered it. Plus I think it'll help me jump start my life. I've already talked to a recruiter and everything. We'll see what happens.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Fighting Frustration

So if you follow me on Twitter, you know that I've been job hunting for quite some time now. I finished up my graduate degree program in June, so I now have a Masters in Communications with an emphasis in Promotions. However, I feel like I'm stuck in a rut.

I hate my job.

Well...I hate one of my jobs. I work two retail jobs, and I feel like I'm stuck there. I work myself to death and am severely underpaid. I don't have insurance. I don't get vacation time .. if I'm not at work I'm not getting paid. Hell I'm not even guaranteed a certain amount on my paychecks each time. On some days, I work from 10am - 2pm at one job, then work the other from 2:30pm - 11:00pm, and I end up exhausted, only to have to do it all over again the next day.

I have applied to hundreds of jobs over the months, all over the country. I've had one interview. One. You can imagine how frustrating and discouraging that can be.

I try to hold my head high and keep in mind that what God has for me is for me, and it'll be right on time when it comes ... but at times that's not comforting at all. Because bills.

It also makes me question whether going to grad school was even worth it. Some days I just feel like I created another bill. *sigh*

Something's got to give.