Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Pursuit of Happiness

I saw a tweet yesterday morning that really struck a chord and resonated with me. It was something that was retweeted onto my timeline and originated by someone I didn't follow, but nonetheless, it hit home.

Initially I just began tweeting some random thoughts from my personal experiences, but as usual I ended up on my Twitter "soap box". I thought what I said and what was said by some others that I follow could be useful for others to read and possibly help them along with their journey, so I decided to blog them here.

I don't want a perfect woman. I want a woman who is made perfect for me through her life's experiences and personal growth. This is important. Too many people are trying to avoid relationships because they haven't reached their ideal view of perfection. Often times, your (potential) mate isn't asking for perfection. They're simply asking for you. 

We don't live in an age anymore where it's important to couples to grow together spiritually, financially, etc. Everyone is striving to have "their stuff together" before they settle down. In a facetious but serious way, I blame the "independent woman" era. That "era" has lead women to shift focus from finding a husband as well as a career, to simply finding a career. If a husband comes along, great, but if not, that's fine too.

That "era" also gave women this sense of arrogance that if you don't have what I have (tangibly) right now, you can't do anything for me. 

*cues Janet Jackson's "What Have You Done For Me Lately?"*

This leads men to feeling that they have to be perfect in order to get a good woman. That whole thought process, for both men AND women, is ridiculously flawed. I think when a couple has built a life together as opposed to simply combining two lives, they'll fight harder to preserve it. I've never been married before, but compare it to children and toys. Children can be very careless with toys someone else bought for them. When they're forced to spend their own money on it, they value it much more.

Personally, I want a woman who supports me working towards my individual goals, and fights just as hard as me to achieve our joint ones.

This leads me to that ever so elusive pursuit of happiness.  In general, folks prevent their own happiness and don't even realize it. Classic example: You meet a guy who you think is attractive. He treats you nicely and you have great chemistry with him, but he works at _______. Or he doesn't have $x in his 401k. 


You meet a woman who supports you, motivates you, but doesn't have _______. 

Really? Get over yourselves.

Through a conversation with my favorite woman in the world (Mom dukes!) I realized that currently I am terrified of commitment. When I choose to love someone, I love hard and pure. That goes for relationships, family, friends, etc. I've realized that I get that from her. Can't everyone handle that because not enough people have been loved the right way. When they are they get scared because they don't recognize it.

Well I have some advice (for myself included). Get out of your own way. It took me a long time to learn this. When you're in your own way, you don't only hurt yourself. You hurt others. Oftentimes it's those closest to you who only wish to love you right. 

One of these days all of you running from happiness will run out of breath. Then you'll realize how much time you've wasted running. 

Y'all be easy.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Quote of the Day: 8/9/2012

Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose.
            -Lyndon B. Johnson

Don't worry about yesterday! It's gone! Focus on what is ahead of you. Your goals and aspirations are what you should strive for...not fixing what happened yesterday! Life is full of speed bumps and sharp curves, but you don't drive looking in the mirror, you look through the windshield!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Quote of the Day: 8/8/2012

Change your thoughts and you change your world. 
        - Norman Vincent Peale

You'd be surprised just how much viewing something differently can influence your outlook on life. This quote definitely falls into the "power of positive thinking" category, and hits home for me. I'm trying to change my thoughts with regards to several areas in my life with hopes that those areas will improve!

Quote of the Day: 8/7/2012

The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.
                    -Hans Hoffman

Remove the clutter from your life! With too much clutter, you'll miss out on the things that are important. This especially applies with prayer and seeking God. If you have too much ungodly stuff in your life, it will cause you to miss out on the blessings that God is sending you! Keep it simple!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Quote of the Day: 8/6/2012


We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves.

" Never lose sight of who you are. Most often we put up facades in an effort to hide our true selves from others, when in reality, we are hiding from ourselves. Be honest and true to yourself, and you'll never have to disguise yourself from anyone!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Quote of the Day: 8/3/2012

"The trick is to make sure you don't die waiting for prosperity to come."
              -Lee Iacocca

This quote is speaking to my life lately. I've spent way too long waiting on things to happen for me, because that's what happened when I was younger. Things just kind of came to me, so I became spoiled in that way. I never had to chase anything because it was all set at my feet. 

As I get older, this is definitely changing. I don't want to miss out on any opportunity simply because I won't reach out and grab it! 

The time is now!